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Keywords : Trademark, Branding, Geographical Indications, Destination Marketing, Halloumi


In recent years, Geographical Indications have become a very important concept in commercial life and the consumer market. This concept, which is a tool of destination marketing, has perhaps become one of the indispensable parts of marketing in the developing and changing world. However, Geographical Indications are essentially a branding element and are also used as a marketing tool with the effect of branding. In this context, the concept of brand is important for cities and even countries as well as products and services. Because branding enables destinations to be distinguished from their competitors both within the country and abroad.

Products with a specific geographical indication are more advantageous than products with the same characteristics in terms of marketing and branding because they are trusted and preferred by the target audience and have a special market of their own. In this study, the principles of creating a destination brand, which is an important tool in destination marketing, were addressed and the aspects of Halloumi as a destination brand were examined.


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